It’s All In The Follow Up

Maria Jaramillo Exp Realty
2 min readJun 6, 2019
Ask me about exp realty

In business being committed to following up with your prospects can be the difference between an ordinary business, and an extraordinary one. that conversion of sales and leads is all in the follow-up. A good follow-up is critical to building strong relationships with your prospective clients. Unless you are offering them an immediate fix to an issue they have right now, a prospective client will not normally buy from you on your first contact.

One of the greatest lessons every salesperson needs to learn is that customers will buy when they are ready to buy. Follow up, patience will be rewarded.

So how do you do it?

Here are some great tips to follow up with your warm leads.

  1. Be Quick- Following up as soon as you can, while you’re still on that person’s mind is the beginning of a great relationship. You can use a thank you card, quick follow up email, or a phone call just to let them know how great it was to connect with them the first time.
  2. Give first- The Give first mentality will show people you care first and will lead them to care about you.
  3. Do The Unexpected- People and companies that do the unexpected make us feel valued and have a memorable experience.
  4. Meet Up- Plan to meet for coffee or have a one on one lunch.

