Why discovering you're ‘why’ is important for your success and your business

Maria Jaramillo Exp Realty
2 min readOct 10, 2018


“He who has a why can endure any how.” — Frederick Nietzsche

Knowing your ‘why’ is what is going to help you stay committed to your dreams.

An entrepreneur is hardwired for purpose, we don't leave our comfortable and secure lives to live without purpose. Don’t be the entrepreneur who is simply out for the obvious financial gain and nothing more, you will crash as quickly as you started.

While most people live their lives doing what they are supposed to do, day in and day out, very few people actually know why they are even doing those things. Without a clear understanding of this, our days can become mundane and frustrating. We start doing things only because we have to. We can become distracted, give up quickly, become depressed, disinterested, and even disappoint the people that have chosen to work with us.

I love Real Estate but my ‘why’ is much bigger than just wanting more money. I do it because I love to help others, because I love the freedom of being able to work not beause Im told to do so but because I want to, because what I do helps dreams come true and because I want to be able to give my son the life he deserves. Showing him that dreams are possible, that everything we can imagine is at our fingertips, that is my why, He is my ‘why’.

When I engage with my clients they can sense the passion I have for helping others and for wanting to go above and beyond because my reasons are not just money, they are bigger then I, and they keep me fueled to keep doing this again tomorrow and the day after.

If you know why you are currently doing what you do, then you can definitely be more creative, more authentic and more charismatic. You will be a lot more successful then the person who is jumping out of bed every morning thinking about how they need to pay the next bill or looking at their watch all day because they can't wait for the time to pass them by.

Apple is a perfect example. Their slogan “Think Different” talks about their WHY, and their “why” is challenging the status quo. The HOW comes next with user-friendly and beautifully designed products. Finally, their WHAT, are computers, smartphones, and various other vertically integrated devices.

A powerful “why” gets you motivated to succeed, and a motivated person is personally invested and most often than not, stays the course to the end.

Discovering your ‘Why’ is the #1 Business rule in my book!

You will be a better business owner, a better leader, a better friend, parent, and person.




Maria Jaramillo Exp Realty
Maria Jaramillo Exp Realty

Written by Maria Jaramillo Exp Realty

Creativity And Tips For Real Estate Agents

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